紐西蘭加強管控外國租船經歷一連串勞方、安全及漁業訴訟糾紛後,紐西蘭當局近日要求欲於紐西蘭水域作業的外國籍漁船必須懸掛紐西蘭國旗,並接受紐西蘭法律的監管。歷經四年漫長過渡澎湖民宿期後,紐西蘭基礎產業部部長David Carter及勞工部部長Kate Wilkinson在聯合發表的聲明中強調,當局非常重視船隻安全、船員有否受到公平待遇等會否損及紐西蘭人道援助及永續作業漁法西裝的國際聲譽。此聲明係回應今年3月有起印尼籍船員自一艘停靠紐西蘭的韓國漁船上跳船,厲聲控訴未領到工資及不堪虐待的事件引發輿情譁然後,紐西蘭政府始就外國租船入漁(FCVs)進行行政裝潢調查報告。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 10/2012,1 June 2012) FOREIGN FISHING BOATS TO BE REFLAGGED AS NEW ZEALAND VESSELSAfter a series of labour, safety and 賣屋fisheries practice controversies, the New Zealand governmentannounced recently that foreign-flagged fishing boats must be brought under New Zealand law andreflagged as 土地買賣New Zealand vessels, if they wanted to operate in New Zealand waters.The move, to take place over a four-year transition period, would send a clear message that 房屋二胎NewZealand is serious about the fair treatment of fishing crews, the safety of vessels and its internationalreputation for ethical and sustainable fishing practices, 酒店經紀Primary Industries Minister David Carter andLabour Minister Kate Wilkinson said in a statement.The announcement followed the release in March of a report by the 信用貸款Ministerial Inquiry into ForeignCharter Vessels (FCVs), which was ordered after widely publicized cases of mainly Indonesian fishingcrews jumping ship with claims of 酒店經紀unpaid wages and physical abuse when their Korean-owned vesselsdocked in New Zealand .

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